During I was studying at Royal School of Administration "RSA/ERA", I had 2 special cases study. The first one is case study about Preah Vihear Temple "During the border war with Thailand 2009" and the second one is Case study about Cambodia Customs and Excise.

The case study about  Phreah Vihear temple was a Tour-Study of Royal School of Administration for academic year 2009-2010. The trip was arganized by Excellency Ly Kim sok, the director of School and under Coorperation of Prime Minister Bodyguard Unit (PMBU) leaded by Excellency Hing BunHeang. The purpose of trip was studying about real situation of Preah Vihear area and visiting the soldiers who protecting the boder over there.

The end of lecture about Cambodia Customs and Excise, Excellency Dr. Pen Siman, Delegate of the Royal Government of Cambodia, in charge of the General Department of Customs and Excise, leaded more 30o students from Royal School of Administration to see the reality in which he had tough during 4 weeks in the class. The tour study sponsored by H.E Dr. Pen Siman, under supporting by Samdach Akkak Moha Sena Padey Dekjo Hun Sen, the prime minister of Cambodia. The 3 days trip was at Sihanouk Ville Port. The students was welcome warmly by H.E Lonh Vannak, the chief of Customs branch of Sihanouk ville and the staffs there. Excellency Dr. Pen Siman, showed the process of export and import products to the port to understand about the customs procedures and technique in controlling the port, especially to get to know the Automated System for Customs data which is the computerized system in controlling and storing all customs data. Also, We had shown the Gamma Ray Scanning Station that used Gamma Ray to scan the products in Containers by using computer to check the products in Containers by non using person.