I with my classmates were just finished a subject that learning about Management and Administration Reform. It was taught by Lecturer Soly Vannpok, the director of Continuing Education Training of Royal School of Administration. The subject was providing the idea of reforming from Bureaucracy to be a new public management in which we discused about the advantages and disadvantages of them. Moverover, we have compared the economy of developing and developed countries to see why they are different.

do assignment that related to current issues that happening in ministry where they are working. To my group, we have chosen a topic about the developing of Human Resource Management of public servant of Environment Ministry. We have been researched and gotten good achievments of this ministry. We have learned alot of concepts from this research. At finally, my group was great at presentating to classmates. I have understood lots of knowledge from this lecture, especially the presiontation of my classmates that given good experiences of thier work from various minitries.
I thank so much to teacher Soly Vannpok who spend value time and knowledge to help us in completing this subject. I believe, this understanding will be benefit to all students for thier workplace. They will be a better public service providers, following by the wonderful stategies of Royal Government of Cambodia.