October 09, 2009 is the specail day in my life. I have satisfied the requirements of the University of Cambodia of the award of the Bachelar Degree of Science in Information Science (IS) and recieved the certificate. The commencement was addressing by His Excellency Ly Somony, Representative of His Excellency Im Sethy, Mister, Ministry of Education and Youth and Sports.

The ceremony was welcoming speech by Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Personal Advisor to the Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and President of University of Cambodia, and Opening speech by Dr. Haruhisa Handa, Advisor to the Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen, President and Foundation of International Foundation for Arts and Culture in Tokyo, Japan and the Chancellor of the University of Cambodia. The program also is the confferring of the Honoray Doctoral Degrees to Mr. Akishige Tada, Chairman of Press net Japan; President and CEO of Nishinippon Shimbun, Fukuoka, Japan, also to Dr. Achyuta Samanta, the Chacellor and Founder KIIT University, India.

A total of 111 UC students . They are 19 Masters graduated, 87 Bachelor Degree graduated, and 5 associated degree graduated . Dr. Kao Kim Hourn said that the 2009 students who have received these certificates are the new input of the UC in working to contribute to higher education and human resources development, and the quality of education and development in Cambodia. He added that these 2009 graduates are the best of the best UC’s graduates and will become the new human resources for Cambodia in future.