Why need Google analytics ?
Integrate Google Analytics (GA) tags into both iOS and Android versions of the Application linking
Log in to GA reports and dashboard will be provided at launch of the Application. As a result of GA implementation the following information will be available:
− number of Application downloads to date
− number of Application downloads per month
− session Length
− frequency of use
− number of returning end users
*Engagement Reports*:
− the total number of screens seen per visit
− the order in which screens are viewed
− how often visitors return to the Application
− how long sessions last
*Users Reports*:
Ahead of creating User Reports two main Application elements need to be entered manually.
− Screens: represent content that end users are viewing within the Application. The equivalent concept in web analytics is a pageview. Measuring screen views allows understanding which content is being viewed most by the end users, and how end users are navigating between different pieces of content within the Application. The Automatic Screen Measurement feature offered by GA will be use in order to track all the screen views.
− Events: represent the way to collect data about an end user's interaction with interactive components of the Application for example a button press or the use of a particular feature. An event consists of three fields used to describe an end user's interaction with the Application content: Category, Label and Action. Note: Some Events, if required to be tracked, could raise an additional cost to create and implement.
The following User Reports are the standard reports used by The Supplier (other default reports are available in GA):
− Overview: Big-picture view of Sessions and end users, including average session duration, total number of screen views, screens viewed per session, percentage of new and returning end users, and the top languages and location of end users.
− App Versions: Compare performances of different versions of the Application. Depending on criteria for new releases, this report can be used to compare either a large-scale change or specific feature adjustment.
− Demographics: Location and languages: report on where users of the Application are around the world. Location data is based on mobile devices. Therefore, data at the city level might not be stable. Location data for region, state, and country is more accurate.
− Devices and Network: These reports point out which devices, networks, and operating systems are used to access the Application